Friday, October 21, 2011

Aadhaar Camp held at Prerna Niketan Sangh

Dear Colleagues,

It gives me pleasure to inform you that on 29th September 2011, A special camp was organised by UIDAI, Delhi Region Office at our Centre. The camp was coordinated by Mr. Subhash Chandra Vashishth, an active member of Prerna Niketan.  

52 residents with disabilities were enrolled by the UIDAI team.  You must be aware that most of our inmates at Prerna are physically challenged and it becomes extremely difficult to access the mainstream enrolement centres being run by UIDA due to infrastructural barriers / inaccessibility faced by persons with reduced mobility. In this light, UIDAI decided to run special enrolment camps across India. Mr. Vashishth helped coordinating the camps in three states, i.e. Delhi, MP and Rajasthan with help of  partner NGOs.

An Image of DG UDAI Ms. Sujata Chaturvedi in discussion with PNS President.We are extremely thankful to Ms. Sujata  Chaturvedi, Deputy Director General, Delhi Regional Office of UIDAI and her team for reaching out to us and conducting this camp at our centre. This made it very convenient for our inmates with mobility impairments to attend the camp without any hassle.

Speaking on the occassion Ms. Meenu Saxena, the  Founder and Chairperson of Prerna Niketan said that she had started this centre  12 years back with just 5 disabled children in a temple campus in Janak Puri. And over this period  Prerna has become a “Home- away from home” for the children with physical disabilities  from poor communities. The centre constantly maintains a coordial touch with the families of the inmates updating them on every development in the life of their child. On every festival the children go to their families or families come and join them at Prerna. 

The objective of Prena Niketan Sangh is not to uproot the person from his community for the sake of rehabilitation. The children after their studies and rehabilitation go back to their communities. On an average there are 40-60 children with locomotor disabilities at any give point of time benefiting from and living at Prerna Niketan Sangh. Ms. Saxena expressed her gratitude to the Aadhaar Team for reaching out to them for this important enrollment.

The event was also covered in the news items on the website of UIDAI with photographs of the camp carrying the following report:

Delhi RO UIDAI celebrates Aadhaar 1st Anniversary by organising special enrolment drives As part of the first anniversary celebrations of the Aadhaar launch, on 29th Septmeber 2011, the Delhi Regional Office organised two special camps to enrol residents at the Godhuli Senior Citizens Home at Plot No. 107 Sec 2, Dwarka and the Prerna Niketan Sangh at Pappan kalan Dwarka which is a home for physically disabled children. 

The camp at Godhuli was set up to enrol the approximately 60 people who reside there. Godhuli director Mr. Ashok Bharadwaj acknowledged this as “a wonderful gesture by the UIDAI”. He said a lot of the Godhuli residents cannot go to enrolment centres and having enrolments take place at Godhuli was extremely convenient for them. 

At the Prerna Niketan Sangh Aadhaar camp 52 people who live there were enroled and bank accounts were opened for 31 people. The Director Prerna Niketan Sangh, Mrs. Menu Saxena informed our team that, in 12 years the center had grown from five to the present forty-seven children, aged between 8 – 20, who now live there. She expressed her gratitude to the Aadhaar team for reaching out to the children, many of whom have no form of identification. Out of the 47 children enroled, there were a few who were biometric exceptions.


Here are some visuals from the camp.

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